Monday, November 07, 2005

Leaving my mark

i just got a knock at the front door (which never happens) and received word that i will officially be part of the 2005 Colombian census. from what people have told me, it's a big deal because the last offical census was in 1993. i'm curious to know two things: one how many people actually live in Bogota, i've been told anywhere between 6 and 10 million people and two, how many foreigners live here, i've been told between 2 and 10 thousand. i don't think i've ever been asked to participate in any census anywhere, so this is a big deal for me too. it's a bigger deal because i get to miss a day of work with pay this coming wednesday.

other recent events: i've started my second master's course class. this one is called Introduction to Gifted Children taught by an older black lady named Willa Bing Harris. Unfortunately, this class is much less interesting than the last class and i'm getting almost nothing out of it. we've finished one week of the course and have one to go. then who knows. in the last course, the professor had us each make a project to be turned in two weeks after the actual class finished. i seriously doubt anything like that will happen with mrs bing. the good news about the class is it was a bit less expensive than the first. and the cost, apparently, goes up or down depending on the number of students.

Andrea will be starting her certification course to teach spanish as a foreign language next week. she's a bit concerned with how much time it's going to take from her day (it's an online course) and how intensive it'll be. she's also in the process of setting up her own blog. we just started it this morning and has nothing on it but check back periodically if you want a quick spanish lesson.


At 10:28 PM, Blogger bostezo said...

Hi Adam & Andrea, I am teaching Spanish and I also had to take some classes before I started. I don't think I got any certification. Anyway, teaching Spanish is not as hard as I thought in the beginning; if you have tools (toys, media, things like that) they actually do most of the work for you. I hope you (Andrea) enjoy your on line classes and are able to teach soon. There are a lot of positions available everywhere in that area, here in Cincinnati there are over 700 students trying to register for Spanish just in the basic levels and the department is always struggling because they never have enough instructors (and this is not a city that you would think would be like that). By the way, I also have a blog it is in Spanish and has no pictures (it is pretty boring, actually)


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