Today I went down near the city center to witness the protest of Bush's arrival to Bogota. I received an email from a friend saying the festivities would begin around 11am but seeing as how nothing around here ever starts on time I left my apartment at 11am and got down there around noon. Just as the fun started. I was greeted by about a thousand people screaming 'Yankee Fuera' (Get out, Yankee!) holding up signs reading 'Fuera Bush' and 'Boycott the USA'. Armed military arrived shortly thereafter in full riot gear (with one armored vehicle) to essentially stir up the cauldron and receive flying debris like rocks, chunks of concrete, and

I only stuck around for about 20 minutes after the riot police started pushing demonstrators down the road and tensions started to increase. After I started walking away, maybe five minutes after I left (300 meters down the street) two explosions could be heard. People scattered and screamed, traffic stopped; I noticed everyone was running toward where I was standing. I jumped on the first bus I could find (which was the only bus in sight), along with about a dozen other fleeing protesters, and we

all got out of there. Not before I got my first whiff of tear gas. It lives up to its name. Good times.
footage of movies I took down there are uploaded onto YouTube.
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