Thursday, December 15, 2005

Rolling with punches

As it turns out, Andrea will have to work through the Christmas and New Year's holiday and won't be able to go on our planned trip to Sierra Nevado del Cocuy. Much to her disappointment, I will most likely be making the trip without her. This morning my intention was to head to school for the annual Christmas breakfast (and last day of obligations) and then to go and talk to my friend German at the Platypus Hotel to see if there was a group or a person going to El Cocuy. There wasn't but I found an advertisement for a tour business called De Una which is run by a couple of Dutch guys. They've been taking small tour groups to El Cocuy for the past 5 or 6 years without any problems from anyone. There are two trips, one of 7 days where there will be two campsites and several day treks and one of 9 days where each night the group will camp at a different location. I spoke to Erik, they guide for the 9 day trek, and told him I was interested. Both groups leave January 3rd and come back either the 9th or the 11th. Tomorrow I'll head down to their office, get the full scoop, and go from there.

I got an email last week from the high school coordinator of a school in Kuwait called The American School of Kuwait (ASK) that was interested in employing Andrea and I, she as a PE teacher for elementary and me as a high school Physics teacher. I got another email this morning from the same guy telling me that if I (we) don't attend one of the recruitment fairs in January and February for international teachers (which are very common), it will be very difficult to find a job at ASK. So I wrote back and asked him where he'll be during that time and also suggested doing a video phone interview. If worse comes to worst I may fly out to meet him, we'll see.


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