humorous translation

some students have been asking me lately about what i plan to do in december and next year at the end of my contract. i emphatically inform them that i am done with bogota, colombia, and the whole central and south american culture. i can't speak for brazil, chile, argentina and other neighboring countries and their respective cultures but i feel as if i know the south american way of life pretty well. i also inform them that i'm not planning to leave alone, andrea will be with me, wherever that may be. i also know that i'm not interested in returning to the u.s. any time soon. with the exception of friends, family, and a few selected geographic locations, i've had a negative opinion about the states, the people within it, and the 'culture' that surrounds it for a while now.
i just got a knock at the front door (which never happens) and received word that i will officially be part of the 2005 Colombian census. from what people have told me, it's a big deal because the last offical census was in 1993. i'm curious to know two things: one how many people actually live in Bogota, i've been told anywhere between 6 and 10 million people and two, how many foreigners live here, i've been told between 2 and 10 thousand. i don't think i've ever been asked to participate in any census anywhere, so this is a big deal for me too. it's a bigger deal because i get to miss a day of work with pay this coming wednesday.