Ride the change or change the ride
Some decisions were made recently that should be noted. Andrea and I will still be getting married and I will still be getting a visa for her to enter the states. The only difference is that she won't be entering with me in July. Some very important doors have been opening for her recently and we both decided it's in her best interest if she takes advantage of certain opportunities that have presented themselves and meet me in the states at the end of the year. Which means, I will be focusing 100% of my efforts to return to the states after my contract finishes in June, instead of looking to other foreign lands.
While Andrea is taking advantage of her opportunities, I'll be taking advantage of my own, namely going back to school and getting my teaching credentials. The decision I have to make now is: Where will I be? I've narrowed it down to four places (not in any particular order): Denver, Tucson, LA, and San Francisco. All four places have their own specific advantages and disadvantages. But ultimately, the driving factors for finishing my credentials will be twofold: if I can find a (teaching?) job and how costly and quick the extended education will be. The programs I've investigated thus far have varied between 9 months and one year if going full time, costs unknown. Which brings up another decision I have to make: do I work while going to school or not? That decision narrows the locations down to two, maybe three places.
The bottom line is I have to make a decision soon because registration to many credential programs will end within the next month or so.
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